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Legislation monitoring unit
An asset for traffic control supervisors and designated officials for monitoring violations of work and rest schedule, tachographs usage policies and speed limits
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GR.CARDS detects violations of work and rest schedule and certain violations of operation, summarizing data on all your drivers
repeated perpetrators
repeated violation types
transport columns or groups of drivers with the highest number of violations and types of those violations
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View violations of work and rest schedule, violations of operation
Detected violations can be viewed in a general list as well as separately for each individual driver
Нажмите на изображение, чтобы увеличить его
Speed violations
Reading a dump file from a tachograph and uploading it into your GR.CARDS account enables you to view a speed violations report, including the perpetrator for each violation occurrence
Sign up now to get:
• Free 7-day trial of the premium features • Basic features for the whole usage period free of charge